देश का पहला हिंदी हेल्थ न्यूज़ पोर्टल


Oxygen administration during surgery and postoperative organ injury: observational cohort study

Increased supraphysiological oxygen administration during surgery was associated with a higher incidence of kidney, myocardial, and lung injury. Residual confounding of these associations cannot be excluded.

British Medical Journal
March 03 2023 Updated: March 03 2023 01:03
0 45594
Oxygen administration during surgery and postoperative organ injury: observational cohort study Imaginary photo

Objective: To examine whether supraphysiological oxygen administration during surgery is associated with lower or higher postoperative kidney, heart, and lung injury.

Design: Observational cohort study.

Setting: 42 medical centers across the United States participating in the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group data registry.

Participants: Adult patients undergoing surgical procedures ≥120 minutes’ duration with general anesthesia and endotracheal intubation who were admitted to hospital after surgery between January 2016 and November 2018.

Intervention: Supraphysiological oxygen administration, defined as the area under the curve of the fraction of inspired oxygen above air (21%) during minutes when the hemoglobin oxygen saturation was greater than 92%.

Main outcomes: Primary endpoints were acute kidney injury defined using Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes criteria, myocardial injury defined as serum troponin >0.04 ng/mL within 72 hours of surgery, and lung injury defined using international classification of diseases hospital discharge diagnosis codes.

Results: The cohort comprised 350 647 patients with median age 59 years (interquartile range 46-69 years), 180 546 women (51.5%), and median duration of surgery 205 minutes (interquartile range 158-279 minutes). Acute kidney injury was diagnosed in 19 207 of 297 554 patients (6.5%), myocardial injury in 8972 of 320 527 (2.8%), and lung injury in 13 789 of 312 161 (4.4%). The median fraction of inspired oxygen was 54.0% (interquartile range 47.5%-60.0%), and the area under the curve of supraphysiological inspired oxygen was 7951% min (5870-11 107% min), equivalent to an 80% fraction of inspired oxygen throughout a 135 minute procedure, for example. After accounting for baseline covariates and other potential confounding variables, increased oxygen exposure was associated with a higher risk of acute kidney injury, myocardial injury, and lung injury. Patients at the 75th centile for the area under the curve of the fraction of inspired oxygen had 26% greater odds of acute kidney injury (95% confidence interval 22% to 30%), 12% greater odds of myocardial injury (7% to 17%), and 14% greater odds of lung injury (12% to 16%) compared with patients at the 25th centile. Sensitivity analyses evaluating alternative definitions of the exposure, restricting the cohort, and conducting an instrumental variable analysis confirmed these observations.

Conclusions: Increased supraphysiological oxygen administration during surgery was associated with a higher incidence of kidney, myocardial, and lung injury. Residual confounding of these associations cannot be excluded.


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